Hello! I'm Antares, thanks for stopping by! If you're reading this, you're likely expecting to own one of my designs (if you aren't owning one already) - if so, this is the place for you!I will be putting my ToS, what to expect, commission information and blacklist on this Carrd. They can be found via the buttons below!This Carrd will likely be edited often with new information and changes, so be sure to keep an eye out!If you're looking for my personal Carrd, check here!



This is my terms of service! Please read everything before taking one of my designs. I know they could be considered quite strict, but I have quite bad trust issues - even with giving away designs, so please respect my boundaries.✦ Do not use these designs for derogatory, NSFW, AI or hateful purposes.
✦ If redesigned, keep my credit as the original designer.
✦ You are free to redesign the character to your liking, but please keep them recognisable.
✦ Do not delete a character's original images - you can move them into separate tabs or hide them however.
✦ If you hide or remove a character's profile off of where they were received, I'd like to still gain access to their profile so I can keep track of my design. Please send me any off-site links as well.
✦ Please do not instantly give away designs - wait at least 7 days. Do not resell free designs unless extra art has been added (excluding art that was already there)
✦ Do not transfer designs to anybody on my blacklist - doing so will end up on your place there too.
That's all for now - this may be updated from time to time so it's best to check up! Failure to meet this rules will lead to your place on the blacklist - I will not revoke any designs, however.


This is all of the information you need to know when commissioning me! This is subject to change, so keep an eye out!Commissions are currently CLOSEDPayments can consist of Discord nitro, DA points, Toyhouse premium or Flight Rising currency. I currently cannot accept real world money - I will set up a way for this eventually however!I WILL DRAW:
✦ Ferals
✦ Anthros
✦ Dragons
✦ Worms/Serpents
✦ Gore and blood
✦ Very simple animations
✦ Aquatic animals
✦ Eyestrain
✦ Human(oid)s - this will be on a traditional medium however. I am looking to practise these!
✦ Horses
✦ Bugs/Insects
✦ NSFW of any kinds
✦ Complex mecha characters
✦ Overly complicated designs
✦ Hateful/bigotry content
✦ Content attacking others
I have every right to refuse a commission.PRICESThese aren't set in stone - I'm willing to negotiate prices with anyone, especially if you're in some kind of emergency. I have yet to work on actual prices for things, so please be patient.If you offer DA points, it must be coupled with something else - these aren't worth much to me.Add-ons such as shading, backgrounds, other characters and animation will cost you more. In addition, the more you want shown of a character (like a fullbody or halfbody) will cost you more.If you're interested in ordering a commission, please DM me - either on Discord, Toyhouse, or any other sites; you're more likely to get a quicker response on TH.Discounts are only available if you're in an emergency, we're friends/mutuals, or it's your birthday.


This is my blacklist; these people are not allowed to own any of my designs, and I DO NOT want to be associated with them at all. DO NOT GIVE ANY OF MY DESIGNS TO THESE PEOPLE - lest you want to end up on here too.If you happen to be on here and you wish to appeal, contact me on another site; this doesn't guarantee you to be removed though.If a reason is stated to be 'personal', do NOT pry into why they are on this list (unless you are a close associate of mine). I only add people onto here if they happen to cause extremely high amounts of distress to me (usually via another reason) and I don't wish to elaborate why this is.If you are blocked, you are not blacklisted. If you block me, you will not be blacklisted by default. I only add people on here if I genuinely want no association with them - whether due to uncomfortability or otherwise.✦ uniquename (AKA BrigetTheEevee) - Personal
✦ Mossmuffle (on Pixilart) - personal
✦ TheGhostCollective - Read this bulletin
✦ Juli Bates - Character thief; had information but lost the link
✦ SharkyFelandian/Touyja - Read this bulletin
GREYLISTMy greylist is akin to my block list on any sites - these people can receive my designs, albeit indirectly. They are only limited to one design, however.Being muted on Toyhouse does not count as being greylisted and you can still obtain my designs as normal.My greylist will not be shared to anyone due to its nature - if you're concerned, do ask.If you are IP blocked, you are on very thin ice with receiving my designs.Those added onto my blacklist are not bad people by default nor do I see them as such - of course, most people I do add are bad or have been bad to me in the past, but if anyone distresses me enough or makes me uncomfortable to the point I wish not to associate with them, they will be added. In addition, some people may be suddenly added and/or removed as my feelings on people tend to fluctuate.That's all for now - I do not wish to add anyone else onto this, so please behave.


This page contains notes on what you should expect when commissioning or receiving a design from me!✦ I have very low motivation - bigger art pieces may take longer; not to mention I have to factor in school, irl issues, and other things - you are free to check in every so often (if anything, I'd appreciate it because I am rather forgetful) but do not pester me.
✦ I am free to reject any offer or commission if I do not wish to partake in them.
✦ I do take criticism rather poorly, please be aware of that. Be gentle in your advice and do not demand too much from me.
✦ If you want anything changed, it needs to be during the sketch or lineart phase. If I have started colouring, it's set in stone.
✦ I may make extra doodles of your design/character if I like them enough!
✦ I will do my best to communicate with you and explain everything happening on my end, especially if there is to be delays. I have a rather low social battery, that and I'm quite mentally challenged, so I may drop from conversations to recharge - I will return so do not worry nor pester me.
✦ Please do not back out mid-commission or trade, it stresses me out. Ensure you are 100% certain you want to go through with this before initiating. You can back out if I haven't started the piece, however - I will do my best to refund you.
✦ You can pay in full immediately or do it in portions - I will be expecting the payment to be completed, however, especially after the art is completed.
That's all for now - I will likely add more, however.